Drama Triangle Cards

If you want to change your body, go to the gym. If you want to change your consciousness, use these cards. 

Diana, CLG co-founder, attributes keeping drama triangle cards around her house as one of the biggest catalysts for transformation for herself and her family. She recommends that all her clients keep sets readily available at home and in the workplace. 

How to Practice
(1) Download this triangle distinctions handout for an overview of the kinds of things people say when in all three roles.

(2) When you or someone else is being reactive, place the triangle cards on the ground and use the distinctions handout to step onto the "bases" as you walk and talk through your pattern. The bigger you make it, the more likely you are to shift.

Bonus: Watch this video of Jim, CLG co-founder, on the drama triangle to see how it's done. Hilarity warning. 


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